Premium Grass Fed Beef

We take great pride and care of our animals and the beef they produce. By prioritizing the welfare of our cows we ensure our beef is the best tasting, healthiest product possible.

Animal welfare-(and all ruminants) evolved to eat grasses, not grains

  • Better for their health=better for human consumption
  • Local processing overseen by USDA standards
  • Animal stress is minimized as processing is less than 25 miles from the farm
  • Processing locally creates more job opportunities
  • Smaller distances to travel from farm to processing plant to main buyers

What Makes Our Beef So Great?

Animal welfare

We feed our cows a grass-fed diet, as cows and all other ruminants evolved to eat grasses, not grains. This natural diet makes for happy cows and high-quality beef.

Health Benefits

There has been considerable research that indicates grass-fed beef contains improved fatty acid composition and antioxidant content and is leaner than grain-fed beef.


Our local processing is overseen by USDA standards and is less than 25 miles from the farm, reducing the stress placed on animals during transport.


We use vacuum seal packaging that helps to prevent freezer burn, increases shelf life, and allows for longer periods of enzymatic tenderization once thawed.

Let's Talk!

Are you looking for high quality beef for your restaurant? Maybe you want to impress your guests at the next family BBQ? Whatever your reason for seeking out grass fed beef, we have you covered. Let’s Talk!

Pricing Coming Soon