How we work

Don’t be busy – be productive!


Carbon emission mitigation and Soil health / sequestration

One effective way to mitigate carbon emissions is through soil health and sequestration. Soil is a natural carbon sink, which means that it can absorb and store carbon from the atmosphere. When soil is healthy and rich in organic matter, it can sequester even more carbon. Vermont, has made significant efforts to promote soil health and carbon sequestration. In addition to mitigating carbon emissions, improving soil health has many other benefits, such as increasing crop yields, improving water retention, and reducing erosion. By promoting soil health and carbon sequestration, Cornwall Cattle Farm is helping addressing climate change while also promoting sustainable agriculture and protecting natural resources.


Reducing Nutrient Pollution

Reducing nutrient pollution involves minimizing the amount of nutrients that enter waterways and cause ecological problems. Farms in Vermont are taking steps to reduce phosphorus flow into Lake Champlain, including cover cropping, crop rotation, and precision agriculture technologies. These efforts, along with nutrient management plans and regulations requiring improved manure management practices and buffer zones along streams, have been successful in improving water quality and protecting the health of the lake’s ecosystem.


Local in Scale

Our beef has a reduced carbon footprint due to the shorter distances it travels from the farm to processing plants and then to our main buyers, such as Middlebury College and the Middlebury Coop. By minimizing transportation distances, we minimize fossil fuel consumption and reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions associated with our products. This is part of our commitment to sustainable practices and minimizing our impact on the environment. Additionally, our local partnerships with buyers help support the local economy and promote sustainable agriculture practices in the region.


We Produce the best beef

The Cornwall Cattle Company in Vermont is unique because of its focus on sustainable and regenerative farming practices, such as rotational grazing and cover cropping, to improve soil health and animal welfare.